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One-to-one Online Course: On this eight-week online Mindfulness for Stress course you will learn how to boost your happiness and well-being, find new sources of resilience, joy, and calm in your life, and to cope with stress, anxiety, fear, and depression. You will cover the same material as the group and face-to-face courses but the online one-to-one version will be tailored to your individual needs.


Group Online Course: The online courses are offered at a reduced rate however you will still be provided with the same content (teaching content and mindfulness practices) as the face-to-face courses. The interaction will be different in that only the presenter will be seen (participants will be muted and videos turned off) and there will be more time dedicated to supporting your home practice. 

Mindfulness Course Dates

Next 4-week mindfulness for stress course with additional focus towards Covid-19 stress is online only. Further details here

£40 for the course with proceeds to be donated to NHS Charities Covid-19 Urgent Appeal Campaign for NHS Charities Together.

Dr. Victoria Galbraith

Dr. Victoria Galbraith

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Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR)
Mindfulness for Health
Mindfulness in Schools (.b )
Mindfulness in Schools (Paws b)

Post Covid-19 Courses:


Victoria offers 4 or 8-week courses in Mindfulness for Health and Mindfulness for Stress in Herefordshire and South Shropshire as well as the Mindfulness for Schools Project's Paws b and .b programmes. She has also adapted these programmes to offer mindfulness courses online.


On the four/eight-week face-to-face Mindfulness for Stress course you will learn how to boost your happiness and well-being, find new sources of resilience, joy, and calm in your life, and to cope with stress, anxiety, fear, and depression. The course is run by Victoria Galbraith, within a supportive and friendly group setting.


Face-to-face Courses: The adult course course costs £150 per person (discount code provided if you have attended our complimentary mindfulness taster and booked within a certain time frame - cost reduced to £100) . Each session lasts for approximately 2 hours over a 4 or 8 week period with an additional mindfulness practice day at the end. The cost includes all classes, course book, plus mindfulness MP3's/CDs plus a half-day retreat. There are limited numbers for the Mindfulness for Stress courses in Ludlow, so it is advisable to book early to avoid disappointment.

Any schools interested in bringing mindfulness into their curriculum, please make contact.

Dr Galbraith as a Mindfulness Teacher/Facilitator


Victoria is accredited as a mindfulness teacher with Breathworks. She has been trained in various mindfulness-based approaches and she adheres to the Good Practice Guidelines for Mindfulness Teachers. The teacher training courses she has attended include the Breathworks approach to Mindfulness for Health, which focuses predominantly on pain; the Breathworks approach to Mindfulness for Stress; Bangor University's 'Centre for Mindfulness Research and Practice' Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) teacher training part 1 and Mindfulness for Schools Paws b and dot b (.b) programmes.


Victoria has also attended a variety of mindfulness conferences and short courses including a 4-day course at the Oxford University Mindfulness Centre for health professionals focusing upon Mindfulness-Based Childbirth and Parenting with Nancy Bardacke, the founder of the approach.

Enquiries can be made via the following contact details:



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